InterLibrary loan (ILL) is how we get materials for you that we do not own. We also lend our materials to other libraries.
Who may use ILL?
ILL services are provided to Peninsula College students, faculty, and staff.
For what purpose may I use ILL?
The purpose of ILL services is to support academic research. Thus, requested materials should be for primarily academic resources. Nonacademic materials (e.g., recreational or geneaological materials) may be requested through your public library.
How do I request an ILL?
Search the Peninsula College Online CATALOG to verify that PC does not already own the item wanted and/or search one or more of the numerous ONLINE RESOURCES to verify that Peninsula College does not already provide electronic access to the full text of a periodical you want. Then select one of the ILL Request Options and follow the instructions. Web-based ILL forms for books and articles are now available.
Does ILL cost anything?
We do not charge a fee for ILL. However, some libraries that lend materials to us do charge fees, ranging from $6 to $10 per item. In that case, you will be asked if you are willing to pay such a fee. If you agree to the fee, you will need to pay in advance of ordering.
Will I incur an ILL charge without knowing?
No. If a fee is necessitated by the nature and source of your ILL request, you will be contacted before the LMC acts on your request.
How many items can be ordered?
Up to 5 items may be ordered at any one time. Requests in excess of 5 items will be processed as time permits. Please prioritize your requests.
How long will it take?
The turnaround time on an ILL request is usually three to five days for a periodical article and one - two weeks for a book.
How will I receive my ILL materials?
If ILL materials are print-only, they will be delivered by surface mail to distance learners. All other users will be notified when items are available for pick up at the Peninsula College Library/Media Center. Digital materials will be emailed as .pdf files.
Where can I get ILL help?
If you have questions regarding the ILL request form or questions regarding the progress of a request, ask for Interlibrary Loan Services at the LMC's circulation desk, (360) 417-6280, or email
Materials that you request are subject to copyright restrictions (Title 17: U.S. Code). Users are responsible for compliance with the copyright laws and regulations. Electronic requests are subject to the same rules and regulations