Enhancing Lives Through Career-Focused Programs
We partner with businesses, labor, government, community organizations, and other educational institutions to help us create educational programs that enhance the professional, technical, and personal lives of our students and further economic growth and development in our community.
Request Information See What Our ProfTech Programs Are All About!
Current Professional Technical Programs
- Business & Office Programs
- Information Technology, Cybersecurity & Multimedia Programs
Cybersecurity & Computer Forensics
- Education Program
- Healthcare Programs
- Public Service Programs
- Skilled Trades Programs
Students who enroll in a certificate program have access to our student support services and financial aid. For more information, schedule an appointment or call our Outreach Office at (360) 417-6306. Please note: Fast Track certificates cannot be covered by financial aid.
Fast Track Certificates
Get started on your new career faster than before! Fast Track certificates can be completed in less than a year. Our certificates are developed with input from area employers and prepare you to start a new career. Continue to develop your skills by earning more certificates, or further your education by building upon them and working toward an associate degree.
- Business & Office Certificates
Administrative Office Systems
- Administrative Office Systems Certificate
- Legal Assistant I
- Legal Assistant II
- Office Assistant I
- Office Assistant II
- Receptionist
- Software Specialist
- Virtual Administrative Assistant
Business Administration
- Information Technology, Cybersecurity & Multimedia Certificates
Information Technology & Cybersecurity
- Education Certificates
- Early Childhood Education Administration Specialization
- Early Childhood Education State Short Term Certificate
- Early Childhood Education State Certificate
- Early Childhood Education General Specialization
- Infants and Toddlers Specialization
- Family Child Care Specialization
- School Age Care Specialization
- Healthcare Certificates
- Public Service Certificates
- Skilled Trades Certificates
Transferring Credits
- Will My AAS or AAS-T Degree Transfer to a Four-Year College?
Some credits from an AAS-T degree will transfer to a Washington state community college bachelor of applied science program. Credits may or may not transfer to a four-year college or university.
The Evergreen State College offers an "Upside Down" transfer option to students completing a Professional Technical AAS or AAS-T degree that meet the following eligibility requirements.
- Complete ENGL&101 with a GPA of 2.0 or higher.
- Complete a minimum of 20 transfer, quarter hours of college-level credits with a GPA of 2.0 or higher in each course. (No more than 10 credits earned in the same subject area can count toward the 20-credit minimum.)
- Have a cumulative, college-level GPA of 2.5 or higher.
Evergreen State College Upside Down Transfer Option
Students planning to transfer should work closely with an advisor at the baccalaureate institution before finalizing their education plan. If you plan to continue your education after completing a professional-technical degree, work with you’re your advisor to select courses that are generally accepted in transfer whenever possible.
Professional Technical Internships
The purpose of a Professional Technical Internship is to give students an opportunity to apply knowledge and skills gained in the classroom to a workplace setting. Additionally, employers are welcome to request an intern at any point in the year. Internships start on the first day of the quarter in which the student is enrolled in the internship class.
Learn More About Professional Technical Internships
Perkins Direct Assistance Program
The Perkins Direct Assistance Program provides essential support to students from special populations who are enrolled in Professional-Technical programs at Peninsula College. This program ensures equitable access and success by offering financial aid, academic support, and resources such as childcare in the Peninsula College Early Childhood Development Center to help students overcome barriers to participation and program completion.
Learn More About the Perkins Direct Assistance Program
Additional Information
- Advisory Committees
- Gainful Employment Disclosure
Gainful Employment (GE) is a federal reporting and disclosure requirement for programs that prepare students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation. Federal regulations require academic institutions to disclose to prospective students certain information about the institution’s Gainful Employment (GE) Programs, and about students who enrolled in those programs eligible for Title IV funding that lead to gainful employment in a recognized occupation.
Peninsula College is participating in early implementation of the rescission allowable by the Secretary’s authority under section 482(c) of the HEA to designate the regulatory changes to subpart Q and subpart R of the Student Assistance General Provisions at title 34, part 668, of the Code of Federal Regulations, included in this document, for early implementation beginning on July 1, 2019.
Contact Information
Questions? Need more information? Please contact Peninsula College's Professional Technical Program Department:
Mia Boster
Dean for Workforce Education
(360) 417-6484