What's your goal?
University TransferComplete the first 2 years of a 4-year degree at a fraction of the cost. |
Career EducationGain hands on skills for career in one of our professional technical programs. |
Bachelor's DegreesEarn your bachelor’s degree right here on the peninsula. |
Online ProgramsExplore our degrees and certificates offered online. |
GED®, High School+, Learn English (ESL)Build skills for college-level math and English or take ESL classes. |
High School ProgramsEarn your high school diploma or attend college while finishing high school. |
University PartnershipsPeninsula College works with key university partners to expand access to upper division educational opportunities. |
Workforce ProgramsNeed help paying for school while you train for a new career? Find out how Workforce Programs can help with tuition, books, supplies, childcare and more. |