Kate Reavey has been teaching interdisciplinary humanities, creative writing, literature, composition, and learning-community courses at Peninsula College since 1993, and taught in the Native Pathways Program (NPP) through the Evergreen State College. She values critical indigenous pedagogies, collaboration, co-teaching, and community service. For many years, she was co-director of the Foothills Writers Series and is currently the coordinator for Studium Generale. Reavey earned an MA in Poetry from UC Davis then worked as a fire dispatch and interpretive ranger before deciding on a path of teaching. She is a poet whose chapbooks include Through the East Window (Sagittarius Press) and Trading Posts (Tangram), which are limited-edition, letter-pressed works, and Too Small to Hold You, published by Pleasure Boat Studio. Empty Bowl Press published her debut collection of poetry, Curve, in 2022. Her PhD in Interdisciplinary Humanities is centered on poetry, somebodyness, and beloved community.