Develop critical thinking skills, make connections across disciplines, and discover your intellectual interests. Stand out as a competitive university transfer applicant by graduating with Honors.
- Engage: Join a cohort of highly motivated students. Integrate knowledge from all courses and extracurricular experiences and share insights with others in the Honors Program.
- Learn: If you are excited to learn, through the in-depth study of a topic of your choice, the Honors Program is for you!
- Collaborate: Explore your own interests in a year-long research project with a faculty mentor and complete a capstone project involving service learning, artistic expression or even study abroad.
Click here to view students' Capstone Project videos
Honors Courses
Students accepted into the Honors Program should be ready for or have completed college level English and math.
As students pursue their Associate in Arts, Direct Transfer Agreement (AA-DTA) or Associate in Science, Transfer Track 1, they also enroll in a series of electives through the Honors programs that apply to their degree requirements. All Honors students take these classes as a cohort and share in a common collaborative education experience.
First Year of Study
Fall Quarter
- Applications accepted to the Honors Program (students may also apply during winter quarter).
Winter Quarter
- IS 150: Foundations of Knowledge. Students learn how knowledge is pursued in different academic disciplines and how to integrate that knowledge using multiple perspectives of understanding. The course includes theme-based readings and discussions on important ideas. (5 credits-Humanities Distribution)
Spring Quarter
- HONOR 160: Introduction to Honors Projects. Students are introduced to project work, develop an independent project, and select a faculty mentor. (2 credits-Elective)
Second Year of Study
Fall Quarter
- HONOR 220: Honors Projects Seminar. In this bi-weekly seminar, students share advancements in their project work and provide critical feedback to classmates. (1 credit-Elective)
- HONOR 290: Honors Project. Students meet once a week with a mentor who provides guidance for their capstone project. (1 credit-Elective)
Winter Quarter
- HONOR 221: Honors Projects Seminar. In this bi-weekly seminar, students share advancements in their project work and provide critical feedback to classmates. (1 credit-Elective)
- HONOR 290: Honors Project. Students meet once a week with a mentor who provides guidance for their capstone project. (1 credit-Elective)
Spring Quarter
- HONOR 250: Honors Capstone. Students complete their project work, including a public presentation in an appropriate venue, an essay using integrated knowledge to assess their project and a video production where they reflect upon their general education experience. The course meets weekly for two hours. (2 credits-Elective)
Admission Process
- Deadline: Applications are accepted throughout the year for fall, winter and spring quarters.
- Required materials: A completed online application includes a short application essay and two letters or emails of support from faculty or employers. Students must be in good academic standing with the college or their high school.
Honors Program Contacts
- Barbara Blackie, Honors Program Coordinator, bblackie@pencol.edu
- Matt Teorey, Honors Program Instructor/Mentor, mteorey@pencol.edu
- John Anderson, Honors Program Instructor/Mentor, janderson@pencol.edu
- Kelly Doran, Honors Program Instructor/Mentor, kdoran@pencol.edu
Honors Emphasis, Associate in Arts Direct Transfer Agreement (AA-DTA)
Honors Emphasis, Associate in Science Transfer Track 1