Fill out this online form to apply to attend Peninsula College:
International Application
Payment by Credit Card:
Current students, you may pay by calling with your credit card number to (360) 417-6340 or toll-free to (877) 452-9277.
Under Age Students:
Parent or legal guardian, please fill out this form if the student is under age 18.
Agreement for Under Age Students: complete document below, print and scan to as part of application packet.
It is our policy that students under the age of 18 live in homestay. If underage students choose to move out of homestay, we require they provide written permission from their parents using the form below Parents Consent for Minors.
Transfer Form:
If transferring in from another school, please fill out this authorization form.
Transfer form: complete document below, print and scan to
Arrival Confirmation:
Fill out this online Arrival Confirmation Form for contact information, arrival date and time and if pickup service is needed.
Arrival Confirmation
Transcript Request:
Please request a copy of your transcript from Peninsula College online.
OPT Application:
Fill out this online form to apply for Optional Practical Training. Your advisor will contact you for a follow-up appointment.
I-20 Request:
Fill out this online form to request an I-20 extension, change, or re-print. Your advisor will contact you for a follow-up appointment.
New Hosts Apply Here:
Form for anyone interested in hosting an international student in their home.
Homestay Host Application
Students Transferring From or Into a Homestay Complete this Form:
Form for transferring from a Homestay or Apartment into a Homestay.
Homestay Departure Form