The mission of the Curriculum Committee as established by the Senate is to advance the college-wide objective of shared governance and to make decisions affecting credit-bearing curriculum at Peninsula College.
Authority and responsibility for the design, approval, implementation, and revision of curriculum is administered by three Curriculum Committees led by a faculty chair and full-time faculty members appointed by the Faculty Senate. The mission of each curriculum committee is to ensure that new or modified courses, and/or new programs, are appropriate for college-level work.
The College’s three curriculum committees are:
- The Bachelor of Applied Science Curriculum Committee, made up of three arts and sciences and three professional and technical faculty.
- The Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee, made up of eight members, including two from each of the distribution domains—humanities, natural science/mathematics, and social science—and two from the professional technical subcommittee.
- The Professional and Technical Curriculum Committee, made up of seven members, five of whom are drawn from professional and technical study areas and two members from the arts and sciences subcommittee
All three curriculum committees meet quarterly to asses new and revised course proposals. Criteria for review include discussion of proposed SLOs, effects of a proposed course on other areas of the College, use of library and/or other information resources, and transferability.
The procedure for reviewing course and program proposals is as follows:
- PC faculty or administrators present proposals to the committee, with each presenter answering committee members’ questions;
- the committee members discuss each proposal (presenters may stay for the discussion);
- the committee members vote on each proposal by secret ballot (the presenters may stay for the vote); and
- the results of the vote are announced to the committee (as a total number rather than as each individual voted).
Curriculum committee reviews result in programs and courses that reflect sound meaningful and measureable SLOs, culminating in coherence, breadth, depth, and sequencing consistent with the Peninsula College mission. Once a curriculum committee’s review is complete, the committee chair reports findings to the Faculty Senate and sends the results of the review to the vice president for Instruction.
Barbara Blackie
Chair, Curriculum Committee
Instructor, Natural Sciences
(360) 417-6253