How Do I Get On A Wait List?
When you register, if the class is full, you will be prompted to go on a wait list. Be sure to carefully read the wait list rules below as they have changed.
Waitlist Rules:
- 3 wait listed classes maximum
- The automated waitlist will not allow you to be wait-listed for a course if you are already enrolled in a different section of the same course
- You may be on only one wait list for the same course
How Do I Get Enrolled Into Classes From A Wait List?
You may be automatically enrolled in a class from the waitlist and will receive an email from Student Services if that happens. Please confirm that the college has your correct email address on-file; your preferred email listed in ctcLink is the email that the college will use. You can update your email and other contact info through the ctcLink Profile Tile in your Student Portal.
You can also check the ctcLink Manage Classes Tile in your Student Portal to find out if you were enrolled in the class you were waitlisted for.
For Your Information: Automatic registration from wait lists will occur up through the first (1st) day of the quarter. If you have not been notified by the second (2nd) day of the quarter that you were moved from the waitlist into the class, you can email the instructor of the class and request their permission to join the class. Once you have received the instructor's written permission, you can contact Enrollment Services (360-417-6340 - option #2) to complete the registration process.
What If I Want To Make A Change?
If you no longer want to remain on a wait list, please notify Enrollment Services promptly or access the ctcLink Manage Classes Tile through your Student Portal to drop the waitlisted class. You can also fill out an Add/Drop form online to drop the class.
For Your Information: If you would like to drop a class, or add another class to your wait list, go to the ctcLink Manage Classes Tile through your Student Portal to make your enrollment changes. If you get stuck during the process, check out this helpful video which will walk you through how to register for a class.
When Do I Pay For My Class?
Pay tuition by the payment due date or immediately upon notification of enrollment if after the due date. You may pay by:
- logging in to your ctcLink Financial Aid Tile through your Student Portal and making a payment with a card, or setting up a payment plan, or
- calling (360) 417-6340 ext 2 or toll-free to (877) 452-9277 to provide your credit card number over the phone
If you have financial aid (scholarships, grants, or loans) awarded for the quarter and the amount of aid will fully cover your tuition and fees, you do not need to make a tuition payment; your aid will automatically pay off your balance due at the start of the quarter.
For Your Information: Failure to pay may result in dis-enrollment from all classes at the start of the quarter, or after the first week of the quarter.
Remember you are responsible for the accuracy of your schedule. Watch it closely and report any problems promptly.