Pirate Food Pantry
The ASC's food pantry is open to PC students who need a little extra help with food. The Pirate Pantry will be open when the PUB is open, typically Monday-Friday from 7:00-7:00. Students may simply drop in and pick up what they need. Reusable bags are available in the pantry. The pantry is located in the southwest corner of the Pirate Union Building. The ASC, in coordination with the Port Angeles Food Bank, will stock the pantry with a variety of basic “dry” food products. Students who want milk, eggs, meat, cheese, fruit and vegetables will be encouraged to visit the PA Food Bank market, open Wednesday-Friday from 11:00-6:00, and Saturdays 11:00-2:00 at 632 N. Oakridge Drive, just west of Walmart.
In addition to the Pirate Food Pantry, the ASC provides free grab-and-go snack food items to students from the counter of the ASC office when the office is staffed, typically Tuesday-Friday from 8:00-12:30. The purpose of that service is to help students who have food insecurity get through their school day. Those items are a result of the generous donations from PC staff and faculty.
If you have questions about the Pirate Pantry, please email us at piratepantry@pencol.edu. If you are in the West End, please reach out to our Forks Campus Director, Rebecca Schwartz at rschwartz@pencol.edu