Students may withdraw from most classes through the eighth week of the quarter (fall, winter, spring quarters).
For deadlines, see the Important Dates & Deadlines Calendar.
The withdrawal is effective on the date the Enrollment Services Office receives the Registration Form from the student with photo ID or the date the Enrollment Services Office receives the online request to drop/withdraw.
You should not assume you will be dropped for non-attendance or non-payment.
Withdrawal Policies and Procedures for fall, winter, and spring quarters
- A class officially dropped before the 10th business day of the quarter will not appear on your transcript.
- Beginning the 11th business day and through the eighth week of the quarter, classes formally dropped will post to your transcript with a withdrawal grade of "W."
Late Withdrawal
Students unable to withdraw by the end of the eighth week of the quarter due to extenuating circumstances should contact Pirate Central at 360-417-6340 for information about alternate options.
Administrative/Medical Withdrawal Request
Under guidance of the Associate Dean for Enrollment Services, students who meet the circumstances as stated in the Procedure for Administrative Withdrawal Request, may request a withdrawal. This request must be submitted with documentation by the last day of the quarter. This process is not intended to be used for students who fail to meet the established withdrawal deadlines. Circumstances for consideration must be:
- medical emergency
- death of an immediate family member
- military deployment or transfer
- conflicts with work schedule
- other documented emergency beyond student’s control
Accepted documentation is required for an Administrative/Medical Withdrawal Request and must be written and dated within the quarter you are requesting the withdrawal
- medical statement from a doctor or counselor
- mychart records are not considered acceptable documentation
- for death in the family an obituary or death certificate
- deployment orders
- copy of a work schedule signed by supervisor
- documentation must explain what happened, when it happened and why you were unable to complete your class(es)
Approved withdrawal requests result in the following:
- An official withdrawal from requested enrolled classes
- The removal of all grades on the transcript if posted
- The posting of an official withdrawal (W grade) on the transcript for each enrolled course
Students may contact Pirate Central at 360-417-6340 for more information about an Administrative/Medical Withdrawal Request or click here to access the Administrative Withdrawal Request form.
What to expect after you submit your administrative withdrawal form
- Documentation is required to review a request. We will wait for 30 days to receive the documentation, if it isn't received, your request will be denied and you will be notified.
- After your request is complete, it can take up to 3 weeks to be reviewed. Faculty must respond to our requests for verification of your last date of attendance before the request is reviewed.
- You will receive an email from Enrollment Services letting you know the decision on your request once it is reviewed.
Note: Lack of awareness of withdrawal policies, or unpreparedness for college coursework will not be accepted as reasons for an administrative withdrawal request. Administrative/medical withdrawal requests are reserved only for occurrences outside of the student's control.
Refund Policy/Schedule
In accordance with RCW 28B.15.605, full refund of tuition and fees will be made to students who withdraw from the college prior to the sixth instructional day of the quarter for which the tuition and fees were paid, or prior to the first class session of noncredit courses.
Fifty percent refund of tuition only will be made to students who withdraw from the college on or after the sixth day of instruction, but within 20 calendar days, including the first scheduled instructional day, of that quarter. The college may cancel courses; in this case, a full refund will be given. No refund is granted after the 20th calendar day of the quarter.
To obtain a refund, the student must complete and sign an official withdrawal form, registration transaction form, or an add/drop form. Debts owed to the college must be paid in full before the refund is issued.
Exceptions to the Refund Policy
Exceptions to the refund policy will be considered only if, in the judgment of the institution, an extreme hardship exists such as illness, hospitalization, or military transfer. A student must submit an appeal for an exception to the refund policy in the form of written documentation via the Administrative Withdrawal Request form to the Enrollment Services Records Manager.
100% Refund After published date
Should ANY type of withdrawal be approved for a 100% refund after the 100% refund period has expired it should be approved and signed off by either the Associate Dean of Enrollment Services, or Vice-President of Student Services. Medical/military exception withdrawals are not automatically given a 100% refund – they must be approved by the appropriate person(s).
Return of Title IV Funds
Students receive their financial aid upfront (beginning of the quarter) with the expectation that they will complete the quarter. Should the student withdraw from school prior to the end of the quarter, a special calculation is done in order to determine how much of the financial aid was earned. This is called, “Return of Title IV funds”, commonly referred to as R2T4. A student earns their financial aid by sitting in class. Federal regulations states that a student has earned all of their financial aid after the 60% point in the quarter (50% for Washington College Grant & associated state programs)
If a student withdraws prior to the 60% point of the quarter (calendar days), there will be a portion of their financial aid that the school is responsible to return. The portion that the school is required to return will then become a tuition payment owed by the student.