Year One Achievements
Hired the Executive Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning,
the Associate Director of Career Services, and the Longhouse Director
Designed and implemented the first year experience (FYE, College 101) course
Established the Center for Teaching and Learning
Expanded print and web resources for Veteran students
Three Knowledge Imaging Center (KIC) Scanners were installed
Faculty engaged in college-wide planning and professional development activities (TILT, Native Cases Institute, Inclusive Pedagogy)
Tribal Advisory Council convened.
Year Two Achievements
Implemented Single Point of Contact advising
Completed renovations on the Veteran’s Center
Completed renovations on the Career Center
Model developed and implemented for peer observations
Initial peer mentor hired and embedded in FYE course
ʔaʔk̓ʷustəƞáwt̓xʷ House of Learning (Peninsula College Longhouse) improvements including salmon pit, demonstration kitchen, and medicine garden are in the design phase, with construction to be completed by the end of October, 2020.
Wayfinding signs are in design phase.
Continued professional development (Innovations, Micro-aggressions, Native Cases)
Veterans Center programs offered
Career Coach and Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Strong Inventories purchased
Career and Job placement web resources launched
Success Navigator postion to be filled
Year Three, Four, Five Expectations
Wayfinding signs installed
FYE expanded to Professional Technical programs and other courses as identified
Peer mentor expands to other courses as identified
Continued professional development, including library for Center for Teaching and Learning
ʔaʔk̓ʷustəƞáwt̓xʷ House of Learning (Peninsula College Longhouse) active learning programs expand to 30 per year
Veterans Center programs offered
All processes “hardwired” and in the continuous improvement phase