Peninsula College awards degrees at the end of each quarter. Our graduation ceremony is held every year in June.
Applying to GraduateSubmit the Degree Application to notify Student Services that you are nearing completion of your degree. Please submit this form prior to registering for your last quarter. Late submissions are accepted. Student Services will respond to your application with a confirmation/evaluation of your degree status. |
Graduation CeremonyOnce you have submitted your degree application, you will receive notices regarding the commencement ceremony. Students who are within 10 credits of degree completion may participate in the ceremony. This page includes information on caps/gowns and signing up to walk in the ceremony in June. |
Before Applying To Graduate:Degree status can be viewed in ctcLink by clicking on the Academic Progress tile. Students can also discuss graduation requirements when they meet with their academic advisors, prior to every registration appointment. TranscriptsOnce earned, degrees are posted to the student transcript. Official transcripts may be ordered here. You can order your final transcript in advance and click a box to send it once the degree is posted. DiplomasDiplomas are mailed to students 6 -8 weeks after their final quarter. Alumni informationCongratulations! Upon earning your certificate or degree, you join the PC Alumni Association! You will learn more about the opportunities and services available to Alums when your diploma is mailed 8 to 10 weeks after grades are posted. Questions?Degree questions, please contact or (360) 417-6394. |
Bookstore InformationGraduation Pack Pick ups – start June 3rd - June 14th at 3:00 Tassel: If students pick up a graduation packet, the tassel will be included inside the packets. Extras can also be purchased. If students are not participating in the ceremony, diploma covers, diploma frames and tassels can be purchased in the Bookaneer Bookstore, or online at the Bookaneer website under the Merchandise category and in the Graduation tab. Bachelor’s Hoods: If students pick up a graduation packet and have been approved for BAS degree, the hood will be included inside the packets. Honor Chords: If students pick up a graduation packet and have been approved for Honors, the honor chord will be included inside the packets. Phi Theta Kappa: Students can purchase their Phi Theta Kappa regalia from the or from the Bookaneer. Class Rings: Students can purchase class rings directly from the vendor at Invitations: Special order invitations and be purchased from |