Join us on Thursday, March 20, from 5:00–8:00 pm, in Peninsula College’s Little Theater, where the First Nations Club and the Earth Law Center presents the Indigenous Cinema Climate Showcase in honor of World Water Day. The short films include:
- “Last Stand: Saving the Elwha River’s Legacy Forests”
- “Facing the Storm: An Indigenous Response to Climate Change”
- “Líť'sit yiká· xá·bil-ts: Quillayute River Restoration”
- “All Our Relations: Tribute to Orcas”
- “Climate Diaries: Heather’s Story”
- “Call of the Orcas”
Following the films, there will be a discussion with local filmmakers, environmentalists, and advocates. These include:
- Sul Ka Dub (Freddie Lane), a Lummi Elder and environmentalist featured in the film “Last Stand”
- Elizabeth Dunne, an environmental attorney and the creative producer for “Last Stand”
- Tashena Frances, a Lower Elwha Klallam member and part of the Elwha Legacy Forest Coalition
- John Gussman, the lead cinematographer for “Last Stand”
- Yayacen (Linda Wiechman), a Lower Elwha Klallam Tribal Elder
Additionally, on Friday, March 21, at 7:00 pm, the Indigenous Cinema Climate Showcase will be taking place at the Field Arts & Events Hall in downtown Port Angeles.
For more information on the event, please contact Professor Helen Lovejoy at hlovejoy@pencol.edu or (360) 417-6362 or First Nations Club President Waabishki Binesi (Charles Creed) at charlescreed724@gmail.com or (360) 808-4064.
This event is cosponsored by Peninsula College’s Studium Generale.