In the summer of 2024, two Peninsula College students participated in research while onboard the R/V Atlantis, which hosts the remotely operated vehicle called “Jason.” In this Studium, we will hear reflections on their learning and view incredible footage of the undersea world.
Dr. Kelley joined the faculty at the University of Washington in 1995 and has been a co-chief and chief scientist on numerous oceanographic excursions, participating in over forty blue water research expeditions. She has been on more than fifty dives in the submersible Alvin and is co-author of the book Discovering the Deep, A Photographic Atlas of the Seafloor and Oceanic Crust, published by Cambridge University Press in 2015. Kelley is currently the director for the underwater cabled component of the National Science Foundation's Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) Regional Cabled Array.
John R. Teal Jr. is a U.S. Navy veteran and non-traditional student who returned to education as an older adult. A graduate of Peninsula College with an Associate of Computer Science, he has pursued diverse research opportunities, including participating in the VISIONS' 24 expedition aboard the R/V Atlantis, the University of Washington SURP Lunar Rover development project, and the Olympic Cougar Project. With a passion for lifelong learning and a dedication to advancing science and technology, he is hopeful to continue his education at the University of Washington's Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) or Computer Engineering (CE) programs.
Join us at 12:35 pm in The Little Theater on the main campus of Peninsula College or join us on Zoom. Meeting ID: 890 7589 0152
For more information, please contact Kate Reavey, Coordinator for Studium Generale, at kreavey@pencol.edu.