Whether or not you’re ready to come to Peninsula College, you should fill out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) or the WASFA (Washington Application for State Financial Aid). College might cost a lot less than you think.
① Your tuition might be totally covered.
If your family of 2 makes less than $40K, your entire tuition could be covered. If your family of 4 makes less than $59K, your entire tuition could be covered. Don’t you want to know if your entire tuition will be covered? Fill out your FAFSA/WASFA today!
② Even if your tuition isn’t totally covered, it might be partly covered.
If your family of 4 makes less than $107K, Washington might still pay for some of your tuition. Don’t you want to know how little college might cost? Fill out your FAFSA/WASFA today!
③ The sooner you fill it out, the more likely you’ll get free money.
Some funds are first-come, first-serve. Fill out your FAFSA/WASFA today!
④ You could get a sweet work study job.
Work study jobs are part-time jobs with flexible hours and decent pay. Enjoy being outside? Be a groundskeeper or a sea kayak tour guide. Want to work with your hands? Apply for the Construction Tech Shop Assistant position. Want to bolster your resume with new IT skills? The IT and Cybersecurity program needs IT lab support.
So get funding for college and get a fun work study job. Fill out your FAFSA today.
Need help?
Financial Aid Office
(360) 417-6390
Monday: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Tuesday - Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm