Lower Elwha Head Start
A preschool and infant/toddler program affiliated with Peninsula College's Family Life Education Program.
Program Philosophy
The Lower Elwha people recognize children as their nation's most valuable resource. The Lower Elwha Head Start staff provides comprehensive services from pregnancy through kindergarten transition and emphasizes kindergarten readiness, through the program. We strive to create and nurture a beautiful and caring experience of success for children, families, and staff exceeding the national goal of Head Start through community partnerships. We are committed to treat all children and parents with the same degree of sensitivity, respect, compassion, common sense, and intellectual honesty that we would provide for loved ones in our own family and that we expect ourselves.
Services and Mission
- Coordinate a range of individualized services for children and their families
- Provide and utilize health and nutrition education, social services, mental health, disability, and parent involvement services
- Engage the family as well as the entire community
- Establish standards that demand excellence and build a solid foundation for life-long learning, workplace skills, and citizenship
- Evaluate program and policy effectiveness
- Assist persons with disabilities by providing individualized support and services
- Create a caring workplace that fosters teamwork and personal and professional growth
- Listen to those we serve in order to improve our operations and adapt to changing needs
- Forge partnerships to improve our services
- Value each employee's contribution to achieving this mission
Class Times
Tuesday through Friday
Head Start: 9:00AM to 1:00 PM or 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Early Head Start: 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM
What You Need to Enroll
- Income Verification (required)
- Tribal Enrollment Number (not required but helpful)
For enrollment information, please call (360) 452-2587.
- Director - Debbie Hales
- Education Disabilities Manager - Sarah Lovejoy
- Health Manager - Deanna Murray
- Enrollment Specialist & Family Partnership Manager - Michelle Charles
- Kweyensens Class Teacher - Mary Laungayan
- Ravens Class Teacher - Sarah Lawrence
- Bears Class Teacher - Joni Francis
- Otters Class Teacher - Darla Owens
- Chipmunks Class Teacher - Clarissa James
- Parenting Education Instructor- Sarah Lovejoy
- Prenatal Educator - Summer Cooper
Code of Conduct
- To respect and promote the unique identity of each child's family and refrain from stereotyping on basis of gender, race, ethnicity, culture, religion, or disability
- To follow program confidentiality policies regarding information about children, families, and other staff members
- To ensure no child will be left alone or unsupervised while under our care
- To use positive methods of child guidance and will not engage in corporal punishment, emotional or physical abuse, or humiliation
Every staff, consultant, and volunteer agrees to adhere to the following:
The Head Start / Early Head Start staff recognize that, as parents, you are the first and most important teachers of your children. Parent participation in the classroom is encouraged. We welcome your involvement in Head Start activities and will work as partners with you to help your child progress. Parenting education and support are available to enrolled families. Peninsula College credit is available for some parenting education classes and continuing education is encouraged.
Lower Elwha Head Start
Lower Elwha Klallam Reservation
463 Stratton Road
Port Angeles, WA 98363
For More Information:
Debbie Hales, Director
Phone: (360) 452-2587 ext. 9
Michelle Charles
Enrollment Specialist/FCPM
Phone: (360) 452-2587 ext. 4
Sarah Lovejoy
Parenting Education Instructor
Phone: (360) 452-2587 ext. 6