This calculator will give you an estimate of the type and amount of aid students in similar financial situations as yours have received to attend Peninsula College. This is an estimate only and NOT a promise of an award to you. The estimated award you will see is based on the aid we awarded to students in the 2021-2022 year. Many factors go in to deciding what award a student receives and these can change from year to year, such as the funding we have available from state, federal and institutional sources, the federal expected family contribution (EFC) formulas, the relative amount of need of all the students at Peninsula College, and the cost to attend Peninsula College.
Net Price Calculator
PLEASE NOTE: to receive financial aid you must meet all eligibility criteria as defined by federal, state and institutional rules. In addition, to receive priority consideration of financial aid for 2023-24, you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You must list Peninsula College (Federal school code #003786) as one of the colleges for us to receive the results of your FAFSA.
The calculator does not include scholarship programs at Peninsula College. These programs consider a variety of factors including financial need. Any scholarship you are awarded from Peninsula College or other sources will be used to calculate your eligibility for aid and may result in a revision of your financial aid award. At Peninsula College, we use any scholarship you receive and any other funding from other agencies (i.e., L&I, DVR, VA, etc.) to reduce the first unmet need, then loans and other aid if necessary.
*Students who are not eligible to complete the FAFSA due to immigration status should complete the WA Application for State Financial Aid (WASFA).