This scholarship supports a new or continuing student at Peninsula College who is pursuing Communication Studies - Journalism or Multimedia Communications. NOTE: This scholarship is offered throughout the year, with periodic award notifications given as awards are made. There's no need to re-apply once awarded for the current academic year; continuing awardees will be re-evaluated each quarter.Award amounts are dependent upon a student's enrollment level. Students can receive up to $4,500 for an academic year. Students must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA. In addition, Communication Studies-Journalism students must maintain a 3.0 combined GPA in Communication Studies-Journalism classes, and Multimedia Communication degree students must maintain a 3.0 combined GPA in Multimedia Communication classes.
The application is now open for the 2024-25 school year
Academic Year 2024 - 2025
Application Due 04/26/2025
Anticipated Award Notification 05/10/2025
Award Amount between $700 and $4,500 per person (A total of $131,000 available).
Awards Available between 1 and 29 scholarships will be awarded
Application Method Apply electronically via
Reapply Yes
Support Period Academic Year
Eligibility Requirements:
- Types of Students Certificate program, High School Senior, College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior,College Senior
- Situations Funded Support for Tuition, Support for Mandatory Fees, Support for Books and Supplies
- Colleges Peninsula College
- School Types Public 2-year Community / Technical College
- Academic Programs Undergraduate, Advanced Degree
- Enrollment Status Full-time, Half-time, Less than half-time
- Field of Study Broadcasting/Journalism, Multimedia Communications, Journalism
- GPA 2.000 or Greater
Application Details:
Additional Questions
- If awarded, please indicate which of the following two paths you will use this scholarship for: 1)Communication Studies - Journalism 2) Multimedia Communication Degree
- Please compose a cover letter which addresses your interest in developing or continuing youreducational goals in Communication Studies - Journalism or Multimedia Communication.
- If you are applying under the COMMUNICATION STUDIES - JOURNALISM path, pleasesubmit an essay or writing sample. You may type the sample directly into this box or upload thesample as an attachment to this application. The essay or writing sample must be submitted withthe application to be considered for the scholarship.
- TRANSCRIPTS REQUIRED – Please upload either your high school or college transcripts tothis application per these instructions. HIGH SCHOOL TRANSCRIPTS are required for GraduatingSeniors and Running Start Students ONLY. COLLEGE TRANSCRIPTS: Peninsula CollegeStudents – Upload your unofficial transcript. Students from Other Colleges – Upload transcriptsfrom other colleges you have attended in the last seven years from accredited institutions in theUnited States. Peninsula College does not provide copies of your transcripts from other colleges.
Other Instructions
- If the required course(s) for any quarter add up to less than 5 credits, student must register foradditional credits to bring their quarterly credit total up to a 5 credit minimum. If the scholarshipisn't used one quarter, the student will lose it for the rest of the year, with the exception of absencedue to military service. Communication Studies - Journalism Students: Must have declared
- Communication Studies -Journalism as their education track and enroll in either a minimum of 5 credits of CommunicationStudies - Journalism (CMST) classes OR Directed Studies 290-294 approved by CommunicationStudies - Journalism faculty.
- Multimedia Communication Students: Must have declared Multimedia Communication as theireducation track and enroll in either a minimum of 5 credits from the Multimedia Communicationsgraduation checklist each quarter or Directed Studies 290-294 approved by MultimediaCommunications faculty.
Application Documents and Forms
Webster Scholarship Information Sheet
Contact Information
Name Peninsula College Foundation
Donor Charles N. Webster Endowment, Funnding for the Webster Scholarship comes from anendowment established by the late Charles N. Webster, whose family founded the KONP radiostation and the newspaper that is now known as the Peninsula Daily News.
Donor Organization Peninsula College Foundation