Peninsula College students, including those who are studying on-line, are encouraged to reach out to club advisors for information about meeting times, projects and club membership.
Clay Club
To further the clay arts and encourage appreciation in the community and college setting.
Advisor: Thomas Connery, tconnery@pencol.edu
CEEN (Creative Enterprise & Entrepreneurship Network
A student-led support and networking club for current and future business owners who attend PC.
Advisor: Renee Emiko Brock, rbrock@pencol.edu
First Nations Club
To create a sense of community, belonging, and strength among Native students and to teach our whole community about the history and culture of Native Peoples on the Olympic Peninsula.
Advisor: Helen Lovejoy, hlovejoy@pencol.edu & Migizi Miigwan/Nicole Nesberg, nnesberg@pencol.edu
International Club
To integrate our international students into the college community and to collaborate with other PC organizations to foster an opportunity for intellectual, cultural and social growth.
Advisor: Allyn Williams, awilliams@pencol.edu
Phi Theta Kappa
Join us in our pursuit of scholarly and community excellence. Peninsula College’s local chapter of Phi Theta Kappa represents the National Honor Society that strives to provide an opportunity for awards of both personal and scholastic advancement.
Advisor: Tulsi Marshall, gmarshall@pencol.edu
Rainbow Alliance
Provides community and unity by and for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Asexual, and Allied communities, as well as performing outreach and education for those who are interested in our communities or questioning their own connections to them. Meetings occur every Tuesday from 2:00–3:30 pm in the Pirate Union Building, from September 24–December 10, 2024.
Advisor: Jay Holloway [they/them], jholloway2@pencol.edu
Running Start Club
Develop a sense of community and connection among your peers by joining the Running Start Club. Participate in club events, activities, and study groups designed to make the most out of your Running Start experience. Leadership opportunities available, with no experience necessary. Club meetings will be announced once there are enough registered members. Sign-up today to stay informed on the status of the club!
Advisor: Kelly Dyer, rstart@pencol.edu
For students studying science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics.
Advisor: Sam Zwenger, szwenger@pencol.edu
Welding Club
For students studying welding.
Advisor: Eoin Doherty, edoherty@pencol.edu
Club Policies: All Peninsula College clubs must adhere to the rules and regulations governing organizations in Article III of the Constitution of Associated Students By-laws on page 31. In summary, clubs must consist of no fewer than 6 students, must have a faculty or staff advisor, and must submit to the ASC a list of members, officers, and a constitution for recognition by the ASC. Only those clubs recognized by the ASC are eligible for funding. Upon becoming a recognized club, such organizations must hold open and publicized meetings at least once a month or three times each quarter with no fewer than 50 percent of identified members in attendance at each meeting. If an organization exceeds 20 members, 10 identified members will be considered acceptable for attendance requirements. Clubs must submit minutes of meetings to the ASC. Clubs failing to meet the above requirements can be declared inactive, resulting in probation and eventually the loss of recognition and funding. Student organizations, including clubs, may not discriminate against anyone based on anything but enrollment status. Typically clubs require members to be students, and some may have a minimum credit requirement.
Funding: Once recognized, clubs and organizations may receive funding. Funding requests may be made individually, or for a series of events. Club representatives may attend the weekly meeting of the ASC (Monday mornings) to request funds, or via email at asc@pencol.edu. The ASC will determine the amount and then assist with the paper work to expend those funds. Clubs and organizations are also allowed to raise money for activities, projects, field trips, guest speakers, etc., on their own, subject to prior approval from the ASC. Fund raising activities shall exclude dues payments from members or funds from other college budgets and otherwise comply with the college's official policy on fund raising, which specifies that in no instance may selling off-campus involve items or services which could be construed to be in competition with local business. Further, raffle or lottery tickets can only be sold to current college students, staff, and faculty. The sale of raffle or lottery tickets off-campus is prohibited. All funds must be deposited in Associated Student accounts, subject to normal college audits, rules of expenditure, and record keeping. Excess club funds may be not be carried forward from one year to the next.