Apply for a spot on the 2025-26 ASC!
Want to learn more about leadership, meet new people, plan events, manage a budget and be part of a fun and driven team, consider applying for a position on the 2025-26 Associated Student Council. ASC positions are open to returning students, as well as incoming freshmen, including those enrolled in Running Start. It's a rewarding and manageable experience and it comes with a significant scholarship ($2,700 for directors and $5,400 for executive officers). It's a simple application process that includes brief interviews, either in person or through Zoom. See application materials below and apply by mid-April.
Meet your 2024-25 ASC
The 2024-25 ASC President is Gemma Rowland. Her team includes: Amelie Mantchev (VP of Programming), Jason Peters (VP), Makena Patrick (Director of Environmental Affairs), Caleb Rollo (Director of Clubs), Katherine Gould (Director of Records & Finance), Emma Heath (Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion), Albin Rosenlund (Director of College & Community Affairs), Isis-Jade Bryant (Director of Recreation), Lexi Mackey (Director of Event Planning), Konrad Mueller (Director of Event Facilitation), Jelissa Julmist (Director of Public Relations), Grace Widergren (Director of Marketing), as well as Forks Branch Campus representatives Aliya Gillett and Larayne Blair.
ASC Meetings
The ASC meets weekly at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesdays in J-47. The meetings are open public meetings. If you are a club member or student with an agenda item or someone who simply wants to observe the meeting, please contact us to get on our agenda at
It is common to have openings on the ASC throughout the course of the year. For more information on those opportunities, please contact ASC Advisor Rick Ross at 360-417-6533 or
The ASC's primary function is to develop the student budget and to oversee student activities and programs, including concerts, dances, child care, clubs, athletics, recreation, field trips, etc. See ASC Budget below. The ASC's purpose, as stated in the ASC Constitution is as follows: "It shall be the purpose of the student body of Peninsula College to provide and maintain a unity and harmony among students, to establish a favorable relationship between the student body and the community, and to bring about an active student participation in college affairs."
Pirate 50 club
Peninsula College encourages its' students to participate in opportunities to serve the community. To reward students for that service, the College's Student Life Department will recognize those who complete 50 hours or more of community service in an academic year. These must be volunteer hours that benefit an organization or someone outside their own family. Students log their own hours and submit that log sheet to the Associate Dean of Student Life or the ASC to receive the Pirate 50 Club honors.
Student ID Cards
Peninsula College provides free digital ID cards to students who wish to have one. The ID can be used for admission to student activities and sports events, free access to our fitness center, discounts at participating merchants, and accessing free ridership on Clallam Transit's Strait Shot (bus to ferry) and Hurricane Ridge. All other routes are now free to all riders.
Here’s how to get yours:
Submit the PC Student ID Card request and watch for an email. It may take 1-2 business days. Save your digital ID on your smart phone. If you do not have a smartphone, contact
Peninsula College Digital ID Request
Student Discounts
Show your current Peninsula College student ID at any of the following businesses to receive their discount.
Free Bus Ridership
As of Jan. 1, 2024, Clallam Transit provides free ridership to all riders (no ID required) except for the Strait Shot and Hurricane Ridge shuttle. Students who wish to continue to access those routes for free will need a current digital ID (see above). Jefferson Transit also provides free ridership and no ID is required.
Fitness Center
The fitness center is open to PC students Monday - Friday from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm from fall through spring. Summer hours vary. Users need to sign in.
Student Clubs
The ASC provides funding and support for a variety of clubs and organizations and encourages students to form new clubs. See a current list of clubs on our club web page or on the Club bulletin board in the PUB. For more information on clubs, contact the ASC.
Child Care
The ASC assists with funding for the college's Early Childhood Development Center (ECDC). Child care phone (360) 417-6532.
Student-Voted Self-Assessed Fees
Graduation Fee • $3.50 per quarter
Peninsula College students voted to assess themselves the Graduation Fee in 2019. The purpose of the fee is to provide graduation apparel to all students. The fee makes the commencement ceremony more available to students with limited financial resources, since the previous cost of the graduation package was $45-$60 per student.
Parking Fee • $8.00 per quarter
A student-voted fee of $8.00 will be charged on a quarterly basis for each credit-taking student to provide parking passes, enforcement and parking lot maintenance. Excluded from this fee are any Continuing Education and Contracted courses and Board-approved tuition waivers. These fees are non-refundable. The state community and technical college system relies on student fees to maintain parking lots, including contributions from students who don't use the lots.
Student Life Fee • $3.25 per credit
Peninsula College students voted to assess themselves a Student Life Fee in the spring of 2022. That fee pays for student use of the Fitness Center, as well as minor capital improvements for student life, including the Pirate Union Building and the athletic complex. Like the Parking Fee, it was voted on by the students of Peninsula College and there is no option to opt out for students who don't use those facilities or services.