Plan Early!
The enrollment process takes place the quarter before you plan to start classes. You must have all your paperwork in and meet with an academic advisor before enrolling in classes.
Running Start New Student Checklist
2025 Application Deadlines:
- Summer 2025: Preferred Deadline June 1 (classes start July 7)
- Fall 2025: Preferred Deadline June 30 (classes start September 22)
What does "preferred deadline" mean?
We highly encourage students to submit their complete Running Start application by the preferred deadline. This ensures students have the best opportunities for advising and course registration. It is not a final application deadline.
What does a complete Running Start application include?
A complete Running Start application includes 1) placement, 2) the college application, and 3) enrollment form (RSEVF) + planning form. Once we receive a complete application, then students are connected with an advisor for academic planning and course registration.
Qualify through an approved alternative placement or take the placement test which is designed to assess your English and math skills and determine appropriate course-level placement. You must place into either college-level English or math to participate in Running Start.
Submit all alternative placement documents for review to If you plan to test, check out placement testing for more information, or call the Assessment & Placement Center (360) 417-6346. Indicate you are interested in participating in the Running Start program.
Please wait until you are notified by the Testing Center that you have qualified for Running Start before completing the remaining steps.
Complete an Online Peninsula College Application
Peninsula College Online Application
Complete the Running Start Enrollment Verification Form (RSEVF)
Running Start RSEVF, Summer 2025Running Start RSEVF, 2025–2026
Fill out the student portion and sign the bottom of the form. Email your high school counselor the completed form to verify your intent to participate in Running Start. Your counselor will fill out their portion of the RSEVF, complete your Planning Form, and email them to
Homeschool students should email their high school and/or school district once they qualify. The school district and/or high school will fill out the Homebased Instruction Students Only Form and/or Planning Form and email them to
Review the Running Start Handbook then read and sign the Running Start Agreement Form.
Advise and Register
When all the above information has been submitted (College Application, RSEVF, Planning Form, and the Peninsula College Running Start Agreement Form), you will receive an email from the college with instructions on how to schedule an advising appointment with an advisor to select your classes and register.
Main Campus: or (360) 417-6340 | Option 2
Port Townsend extension site: or (360) 385-4605
Forks extension site: or (360) 374-3223
Running Start Orientation
Learn about college resources and program procedures. Running Start Orientation is mandatory for all Running Start students.
Pay Fees and Purchase Textbooks
When you register, you will receive a copy of your schedule showing the fees owed and the date payment is due. You can purchase your books from the PC bookstore, either on campus or online. Book rental options are also available on the website. Fee waivers are available for students who qualify for the free or reduced lunch program through their school district. In addition, limited book assistance is available for students who qualify for the free lunch program.